
First thing you asked us at the beginning of the semester was: "why are we here?". Well, I thought about that. A lot. We all have a purpose. And our purpose right now is to figure out our purpose, that's what college is. So...why college? why CRU? The truth is, I chose CRU because a friend of mine from camp was going here. Then I chose to rush a fraternity and I made new friends, and college has been everything I could have ever imagined it to be. So I kept thinking, why would I ever wanna leave this place? But then I realized that there's so much left to learn, an experience to look forward to. And today I'm graduating, hopefully. I'm hanging out to the real world with the love of my life, who was my purpose. So, today I'm here to graduate, and tomorrow... that's hard to say because I have no idea of where I'll be.


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